Eggman (née Robotnik) wants to destroy/take over the world with the help of a mysterious black hedgehog named Shadow, and Sonic and his friends have to stop them. Please note that under no stretch of the imagination am I saying that the story itself is anything but nonsense. Does it take us back to the days when this series was still good, or was it already bad back then, and we just hadn’t realized it yet? Even so, these somewhat minor issues are nowhere near enough to ruin what should otherwise be an incredibly fun title for both casual players and fans of the blue blur alike.Now, following in the footsteps of other Dreamcast hits like Jet Grind Radio and the original Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2 has come to Xbox Live and the PlayStation Network. The jankiness of the homing attack can at times slow things right down too, completely ruining any momentum that players had been able to build up. Unfortunately, as one might expect from a multiplatform title that's also available on Switch and last-gen consoles, the graphics aren't all that impressive and some of the edges are a little rougher than they really should be. In many ways, it feels like the kind of game that the two Sonic Adventure titles on the Dreamcast were ultimately racing toward, with the blue hedgehog's lightning-fast movement speed being incredibly well integrated into a wide array of exciting open-world environments. Sonic Frontiers may not be the best 3D Sonic game ever made, nor does it come close to being a game of the year contender, but that's not to say that it isn't still a highly enjoyable game. PS5, PS4, Xbox Series S|X, Xbox One, Switch & PC

Even so, given how poorly some of the pre-release footage from the 2022 Summer of Gaming Livestream was received by the wider gaming community, some fans may well be pleasantly surprised by the game's overall quality and its Metacritic rating. Many had hoped that Sonic Frontiers could perhaps be that title, but despite the game's somewhat impressive review scores, it falls just a little short of the two Dreamcast-era Sonic games. That's not to say that there haven't been some bright spots here and there though, nor that fans of the blue blur have completely given up hope that they'll one day see a true and worthy successor to Sonic Adventure 2.

The majority of the latter have come since the blue blur made the leap to 3D, with many of his post-2000 titles failing to live up to his 2D glory days and leaving fans both disappointed and angry as a result.

Updated November 8, 2022, by Tom Bowen: Since bursting onto the scene more than three decades ago, Sonic's story has been punctuated by a series of dizzying highs and agonizing lows. In instances where a game has been ported to multiple platforms, the highest rating will be chosen.

Where Metacritic ratings aren't available, ratings from GameRankings will be used instead.